Dingle Town 6/18/17
Dingle is actually the town on the Dingle Peninsular, and survives mainly on fishing, agriculture and tourism. Strangely enough, its sister town in the USA is my old home town of Santa Barbara, California, ( wonder if they have a Valentinos Pizza in Dingle, which was my business in SB).
With a population of approx 2000, its bigger than most towns we will hike through, but by no means a large town. Fungi is the famous resident of Dingle, its a 13 ft long 600 pound Bottle Nose Dolphin which turned up in 1983 and seeks human company. A huge tourist business has grown up around this dolphin, bringing people from all over the world. Now, think about it, dolphins live to about 45, its been here 34 years and they dont know how old it was when it arrived. What will happen, possibly any day now, when the dolphin takes the inevitable dirt nap from old age. There will be a lot of tourist driven businesses for sale .
https://youtu.be/eK-LeeGslMA -- this is a video link of Fungi, copy and paste to address page.
After breakfast this morning I went outside to check the weather, lo and behold, here is this guy painting the whole house with a 4 inch brush, a 4 inch brush?, are you kidding me
We headed out if town down to the canal, then what seemed like a hill that never ended, into the mountains. After 2 hours we dropped down into the bay where Oliver Cromwell came ashore. He attacked this castle, that was built in the 16th century.
Coming down to the coast near Lispole this morning |
So, Cromwell arrives at your door with his army, and you have a fort that's tantamount to a two bedroom condo, just how many soldiers can you house in your condo,,,,,they lost.
It's a beautiful bay and what's left of the fort is pretty in this sandy setting. The weather was amazing all day
Kerri and I snacking outside a mini market at halfway today |
Missed a turn on the way to Dingle, so we came in on the wrong road, I think Caroline was struggling with heat today, especially after the numerous climbs approaching Dingle. I was struggling a little myself.
Anyway, all is now well and we had a large roast beef and veggie dinner in the harbor, then the boys got our butts kicked again at cribbage, you can't even talk to the girls right now without them rubbing it in. We boys have time.
Tomorrow we head out to the town of Dunquin, nothing there so we ordered dinner from the BandB as its in the middle of nowhere.
snack and rest at the top of this climb
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